Wolfe Leads Seminar on Life Insurance Claims


Mark Wolfe of Boteler Richardson Wolfe recently led a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminar for Gulf Coast attorneys on Life Insurance Claims. The program was sponsored by the Baldwin County Bar Association as part of their 2020 CLE series and was conducted via Zoom. The program covered a wide range of legal issues regarding life insurance claims including beneficiary disputes, common reasons for denial of benefits and the impact Federal laws and regulations have upon benefit dispute resolution. Wolfe’s presentation included common legal issues that arise in accidental death benefit claims and he also covered a section on the impact of Federal laws and regulations on disputed life insurance claims.   If you have questions about life insurance benefits or your claim for life insurance benefits has been denied, call mark today at 251 410-7761 for a free consultation or email him at mark@brwlawyers.com.  Mark has over 33 years of legal experience and over the last 20 years he has handled and resolved many life insurance claims and cases.  In his legal career Wolfe has taught over 30 CLE seminars for other lawyers and has had numerous law articles published in National and Regional law journals. Click here for a full list of Wolfe’s articles and seminars.

REQUIRED DISCLAIMERS: Alabama Rule of Professional Conduct 7.2: No representation is made that the quality of legal service to be performed is greater than the services provided by other lawyers. The Mississippi Supreme Court advises that a decision on legal services is important and should not be based solely on advertisements. Free background information is available upon request to a Mississippi attorney. The listing of any area of practice by a Mississippi attorney does not indicate any certification of expertise therein. See Mississippi Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2(d), Rule 7.4(a), Rule 7.6(a) (1997). Statement in compliance with Florida Bar Advertising Rules: “The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. [Florida Rule 4-7.2(d)]. General Disclaimer: This information is posted for general information purposes to help those interested parties or persons with potential civil claims better understand their rights and potential causes of action. If readers are currently represented by an attorney on the subject matter of this post then they are encouraged to continue with said representation. No attorney-client relationship is established by this post.

TV Lawyer Ads

TV Lawyer Ads?  Read the Fine Print.

Recently there have been numerous TV commercials for lawyers where someone brags about how much money the lawyer recovered for them. as seen on tvThese people generally appear fine and gush about what a financial windfall the lawyer got them for their injury claim. The problem is the fine print disclaimers that accompany the commercials usually scroll across the screen so quickly, or are so small, you can’t read them. Many people don’t even see them, let alone read them. Here’s a compilation of some of these disclaimers from some recent TV lawyer ads in our area: – Dramatization: Not an actual case. – Not an actual client testimonial or based upon a specific case.  – Actor portrayal, not a real client or case. – The monetary result referenced is not from an actual case.  – The monetary recoveries referenced are not typical of most injury claims and [law firm name omitted] in no way guarantees or promises similar results for specific injury claims. – Not a typical injury case recovery. – Not a real client or case result. – Not an actual case result or recovery. [Law firm name omitted] processes claims and cases via a referral to an affiliate law firm. Referral law firms are solely responsible for claim and case presentation and remit a portion of the attorney fees to [law firm name omitted.] – Actor and/or spokesperson is compensated for services and any reference to financial recoveries are of non-typical personal injury matters. – Actual results may vary. Not licensed to practice law in Alabama. Legal? Maybe. But doesn’t this smell of deception? A commercial runs with a “client” boasting of a huge financial recovery but hidden in the commercial is one of the above fine print disclaimers stating the results are not true or not typical. Seems like the old bait and switch sales tactics used by shady salesmen of days gone by. Trust between an attorney and his or her client is critical to a good relationship. Clients must rely on and trust their attorney to help them through a difficult time. There is a better way to go about hiring a personal injury attorney. Here’s a link to an article about how to hire the right personal injury attorney for your claim or case.  Tips for Hiring the Right Personal Injury Lawyer